Friday, April 12, 2013


Jasper CitySchools will be implementing an eDay where students will be required tocomplete school work posted online. Students will have until April 29/30th tocomplete the eDay assignments. This day will be our make-up weather day. If youneed access to WiFi there are many places in town for you to use your lap top,iPad, or smart phone to access WiFi (ex. public library). If you have anyquestions do not hesitate to email me. 

1. can reach a direct link by visiting the Jasper City Schools technologypage. Scroll down the page and you will see the Edmodo icon.
2.  Request to join a group. (Left hand sideof screen) You will be prompted for a group code. The group code for our class is t3djwy.
3.  Mrs.Woodley has posted her PE assignments to Edmodo. To complete her assignmentsyou must request to join a group. (Left hand side of screen) You will beprompted for a group code. Her group code is 3tz9i2. This is in addition to the PE assignments listed with my class assignments. Students are required to complete both.



1.        PE Assignments. Please refer to edmodo, blog, or instructions sheet in eDay folder for specific directions.

2.       Click on the Spelling City link on edmodo or classroom blog.  Choose to play the missing letter “Color Words” list. This is a free game. Write the color words the game prompted you to spell on the paper provided and return to the teacher.

3.       Go to www.starfall .com or follow the link provided on edmodo or the class blog. Choose the “I’m Reading” icon.  Then choose “Three Little Plays” and click on “Guess, Guess”. Partner read with your child. Have your child read the “boy” part and you read the “girl” part. After completing the story please fill out the questionnaire provided and return to the teacher.

4.       Go to or visit edmodo or blog for direct link. Play the addition game. Write down 5 addition facts the game prompted the student to solve and return to the teacher.

5.       Handwriting. Have student complete the journal page in the eDay folder.

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